Cyber Essentials is a UK Government led and industry-backed scheme that helps organisations of all sizes protect themselves against common cyber security threats. From as early as 2014, the UK Government required all suppliers bidding for contracts involving the handling of certain sensitive and personal information to be certified against the CE scheme.
There are currently two levels of certification, Cyber Essentials which is the basic level and Cyber Essentials Plus. Pentest People can help you understand critical infrastructure cyber security in order to secure the full certification at both levels including performing the certification assessment.
Fill out our instant quote form to get a price on your Cyber Essentials journey, whether you need a little assistance, just the certification or a full guided service we have you covered!
Pentest People are a Cyber Essentials Certifying Body and can provide a consultancy service to help you at all stages of your Cyber Essentials accreditation journey.
We offer a range of different package options based on your needs and company size, allowing bespoke options no matter what you require.
Find Your Way to Pass
We know the world of cyber security is complicated, so starting your first Cyber Essentials journey isn't always easy. At Pentest People we offer 3 options to help you pass the CE assessment based on your requirements, take a look below and take your security seriously!
See what packages we offer for Cyber Essentials based on your requirements and company size
Our Cyber Essentials Self Assessment package offers the Cyber Essentials certification with no support, for IT teams that are confident they can pass the exam.
Our Cyber Essentials Support package provides a helping hand from our dedicated CE consultants, with support throughout the certification and guides to help you pass with ease.
Our Cyber Essentials SurePass package gives you everything you need to pass. A dedicated Cyber Essentials consultant, 1-2-1 time to help work through any major changes your team needs to implement and even continual support through vulnerability scanning, allowing you to increase your cyber security posture.
For companies who are confident in going solo with their Cyber Essentials Certification
No Support
CE Certification for 12 Months
1 Assessment Remark*
£25k Cyber Insurance
Certification to share on website
Certification Badge For Website
External Vulnerability Scanning
No Additional Support
*within two working days
For companies who require guidance through there Cyber Essentials Certification
Includes all previous package
All Queries Answered
Dedicated Project Manager
Continuous Email support
3 Remarks
Cyber Essentials Customer Guides
For companies who require guidance & continuous support for there Cyber Essentials Certification
Includes all previous package
Dedicated CE Consultant
4 Hours 1-2-1 Consultancy Time
Unlimited Remarks
Pre-Assessment Marking
Custom Infrastructure Scanner
Without being cyber essentials certified, businesses may face serious risks to the security of their online operations. Without certification, companies have no assurance that they are following best practices and have up-to-date measures in place to protect their data and systems from malicious actors.
Additionally, companies can also become subject to hefty fines if they are not able to demonstrate adequate security protocols for GDPR compliance. Being cyber essentials certified is an important step for any business looking to reduce its risk of a cyber security attack and ensure the security of its data and operations.
Our company specialises in guiding you through the process of achieving these certifications. We offer comprehensive services, tailored to your specific needs, ensuring seamless navigation through the complex world of cyber security.
By partnering with us, we empower you to take proactive steps towards securing your data, preventing breaches, and ultimately, safeguarding your business's future. Don't leave your security to chance. Take the first step towards achieving Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certifications today.
Understand the Certifications
The initial level of Cyber Essentials certification is delivered through SecurePortal as a self-assessment questionnaire that covers the five technical controls and then an external vulnerability scan of your external facing network.
You are assessed against the answers to your questionnaire and the results of the external Penetration Test. Stage 1 certification awards the Cyber Essentials accreditation and the associated use of the logo.
The more advanced level of Cyber Essentials certification relies upon the same protections as Stage 1 but the certification is carried out on your business premises and also includes an internal vulnerability scan of a common workstation build.
Your antivirus protections both via the web and email are manually tested whilst onsite to ensure that your tools of choice are protecting the level of cyber security required to achieve Cyber Essentials Plus.
You are assessed against the answers to your questionnaire and the results of the external vulnerability scan. Stage 2 certification awards the Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation and the associated use of the logo.
In order to achieve Stage 2 certification, you have to first achieve Stage 1 certification.
Take The Next Step
The Cyber Essentials Plus certification is a key component of your cyber security defences, providing a baseline level of protection against the most common cyber threats. However, achieving this certification can seem daunting to many organisations. This is where Pentest People come in.
At Pentest People, we understand that navigating through the complexities of cyber security can be challenging. Our mission is to make this journey as simple and problem-free as possible for your business. We offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to guide you smoothly through the Cyber Essentials Plus certification process.
Achieving Cyber Essentials Certification offers immense value for your business. It's not merely a badge of honor; it's a testament to your commitment to data security, protecting your business and your clients from cyber threats.
This certification showcases your proactive approach towards cyber security, giving you a competitive edge in today's digital landscape. It enhances your reputation, instills trust in your customers, and opens up new business opportunities, particularly with organisations that prioritise data security. Plus, it helps you meet contractual requirements that increasingly demand this certification. Don't let your business be left behind in the race towards robust cybersecurity.
Our team is proud to include NCSC-certified Cyber Advisors, bringing unparalleled expertise and guidance to your Cyber Essentials (CE) journey. Our consultants are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of cyber security, ensuring your organisation achieves and maintains CE certification with confidence.
With a deep understanding of NCSC standards, our advisors offer not only technical proficiency but also exceptional customer service, making the process seamless and stress-free. Trust in our certified professionals to provide comprehensive support, from initial assessment to ongoing compliance, tailored to meet your specific needs.
Need More Info on Cyber Essentials?
When you have undertaken your assessment and met all of the requirements of Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials plus you will receive the following: - An official PDF of your Cyber Essentials Certificate. - A compliant report detailing all findings from the assessment along with any recommendations where appropriate. - High-resolution Cyber Essentials logos along with branding guidelines on how to use the logos on your website and marketing materials. - Your organisation will be listed on the Government Website that shows your level of certification.
In the overall process, your team will spend around 2hours to complete the questionnaire as well as organising the audit. If you can fix the issues identified quicker then we can get you certified quicker.
Cyber Essentials is Stage 1 Consists of a Self Assessment Questionnaire and external vulnerability assessment of your Internet-facing infrastructure. Cyber Essentials Plus is Stage 2 extends Stage 1 by performing an onsite assessment of security controls including an internal authenticated scan of your workstations and mobile devices.
Cyber Essentials is a scheme led by the UK Government to help organisation protect themselves against common cyber-security threats. There are two levels of certification that both demonstrate an ability to implement technical controls relating to information security.
Experienced Consultant Team
Penetration testing is a key component of any effective cybersecurity strategy, and it requires well-trained professionals to execute. Our consultant team needs are highly trained in order to test your business for vulnerabilities and identify potential threats before they cause harm. Our team have a deep understanding of the systems and protocols involved in protecting against hackers, malware, and data breaches.